Class SessionMap

All Implemented Interfaces:
HttpHandler, Routable, HasReadyState
Direct Known Subclasses:
LocalSessionMap, NullSessionMap, RemoteSessionMap

public abstract class SessionMap extends Object implements HasReadyState, Routable
Provides a stable API for looking up where on the Grid a particular webdriver instance is running.

This class responds to the following URLs:

Verb URL Template Meaning
DELETE /se/grid/session/{sessionId} Removes a URI from the session map. Calling this method more than once for the same SessionId will not throw an error.
GET /se/grid/session/{sessionId} Retrieves the URI associated the SessionId, or throws a NoSuchSessionException should the session not be present.
POST /se/grid/session/{sessionId} Registers the session with session map. In theory, the session map never expires a session from its mappings, but realistically, sessions may end up being removed for many reasons.