Uses of Class
Packages that use Device
Uses of Device in org.openqa.selenium.docker
Methods in org.openqa.selenium.docker that return DeviceMethod parameters in org.openqa.selenium.docker with type arguments of type DeviceConstructor parameters in org.openqa.selenium.docker with type arguments of type DeviceModifierConstructorDescriptionContainerConfig
(Image image,<String, Map<String, Object>> portBindings, Map<String, String> envVars, Map<String, String> volumeBinds, List<Device> devices, String networkName, long shmSize) ContainerConfig
(Image image,<String, Map<String, Object>> portBindings, Map<String, String> envVars, Map<String, String> volumeBinds, List<Device> devices, String networkName, long shmSize, Map<String, Object> hostConfig) -
Uses of Device in org.openqa.selenium.grid.node.docker
Methods in org.openqa.selenium.grid.node.docker that return types with arguments of type DeviceConstructor parameters in org.openqa.selenium.grid.node.docker with type arguments of type DeviceModifierConstructorDescriptionDockerSessionFactory
(Tracer tracer, HttpClient.Factory clientFactory, Duration sessionTimeout, Docker docker, URI dockerUri, Image browserImage, Capabilities stereotype, List<Device> devices, Image videoImage, DockerAssetsPath assetsPath, String networkName, boolean runningInDocker, Predicate<Capabilities> predicate, Map<String, Object> hostConfig, List<String> hostConfigKeys)