Posts in 2021
Stepping Down, Stepping Up
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Simon is stepping down as lead of the Selenium project. What happens next?
A Tour of 4: Authentication
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Introducing how Selenium 4 handles authentication
Selenium 4 Release Candidate 2
Saturday, October 02, 2021
The second (and last!) release candidate of Selenium 4 is here!
Selenium 4 Release Candidate
Monday, September 06, 2021
We're very happy to announce the first release candidate of Selenium 4.
All Selenium downloads are now available on GitHub releases
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
We are happy to announce all Selenium are available on GitHub releases.
Selenium downloads will move to GitHub releases
Thursday, August 19, 2021
We are moving all Selenium binaries from Google Storage to GitHub releases.
The Selenium website has a new look!
Monday, August 09, 2021
We're very happy to announce the new look for the Selenium website!
Public Project Meeting - July 15, 2021
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Continuing the series of bi-weekly public project meetings...