Using Java 11+ HTTP Client in Selenium 4.5.0 and beyond

We’re happy to share that starting from Selenium 4.5.0, a Java 11+ HttpClient is supported

Current HTTP client used in Selenium

Selenium uses an HTTP client and associated WebSocket client for multiple purposes

  • To send commands to the WebDriver
  • To send commands from the Selenium client library to the Grid
  • For various Grid components to communicate with each other depending on the Grid mode
  • To create ChromeDevTools protocol and BiDi protocol sessions

Currently, Selenium uses AsyncHttpClient. AsyncHttpClient is an open-source library built on top of Netty. It allows the execution of HTTP requests and responses asynchronously. Additionally it also provides WebSocket support. Hence it is a good fit.

Why does Selenium want to move to Java 11+ HTTP Client?

While AsyncHttpClient provides the required functionality, the open-source project is not been actively maintained since June 2021. It coincides with the fact that Java 11+ provides a built-in HTTP and WebSocket client. Selenium can utilize it to replace AsyncHttpClient.

Currently, Selenium Java supports Java 8. Selenium has plans to upgrade the minimum version supported to Java 11. However, it is a sizeable effort. Aligning it with major releases and accompanied announcements is crucial to ensure the user experience is intact.

The Selenium server runs great on Java 11+ already, so while we plan to make that the minimum version in a future release, for now we plan to introduce optional components that can take advantage of modern Java releases.

So as a first step towards this move, the Java 11+ HTTP client from Selenium 4.5.0 and above.

Using Java 11+ HTTP Client in Selenium


  • Project configured to use Java 11+
  • Using Selenium 4.5.0 as a minumum version, find the latest in the downloads page.

Integrating the Java 11+ client

Java 11+ HTTP client sits in its own artifact. It can be imported into projects that use Java 11+.

Add the artifact the POM

Add the follow dependencies to your pom.xml


NOTE: In the dependencies above version 4.5.0 is shown, however we recommend you to check the downloads page to use the latest version released. Make sure the versions used are matching.

Set the system property

Set the system property to indicate that Java 11+ Http client needs to be used. By default, it uses the AsyncHttpClient.

 System.setProperty("webdriver.http.factory", "jdk-http-client");

You are all set up to leverage the newly supported client. The user-experience remains the unchanged. Everything else works as expected.

Using the Java 11+ client in Grid

To do that, you will need to download the selenium-http-jdk-client jar file and use the --ext flag to make it available in the Grid jar’s classpath.

The jar file can be downloaded directly from and then start the Grid in the following way:

java -Dwebdriver.http.factory=jdk-http-client -jar selenium-server-4.5.0.jar -—ext selenium-http-jdk-client-4.5.0.jar standalone

An alternative to downloading the selenium-http-jdk-client jar file is to use Coursier.

java -Dwebdriver.http.factory=jdk-http-client -jar selenium-server-4.5.0.jar —-ext $(coursier fetch -p org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-http-jdk-client:4.5.0) standalone

If you are using the Hub/Node(s) mode or the Distributed mode, setting the -Dwebdriver.http.factory=jdk-http-client and —-ext flags needs to be done for each one of the components.

NOTE: In the dependencies above version 4.5.0 is shown, however we recommend you to check the downloads page to use the latest version released. Make sure the versions used are matching.

Huge thanks to Simon Stewart (@shs96c) for making this possible with his contribution!